Early Ideas and Aspirations
By the end if 1882
Bhagvatsinhji had learnt all that the Rajkumar College could teach
him. He was not old enough to rule the state. It was therefore
decided he should visit Europe. Her mother disliked the suggestion.
She loved her son and She don’t want to be in the way of his
son’s progress. She made up his mind to execute a plan. She went
up to Rajkot to bid farewell to her son.
For the first time Bhagvatsinhji
went of the Kathiawar. It was his first journey to Bombay by
train. From Bombay he was driven to Malabar hills. He founded that
Bombay was not so much superior as Gondal
Electric lamp at Palace
Electric light attracted him he decided,” I should like to have it
in my new palace at Gondal”. Institution of public utility
especially appealed to him. He wanted to the Vehar and Tulsi Lakes,
from which people in Bombay obtained drinking water, He founded
beautiful and admired very much the skill and energy behind that
enterprise. From that movement he planed to set such similar plan at
Gondali river. As we shall see, he set engineers to work out a
scheme and it was carried out in 1900. |
Vari Dam at Gondal
Attendance at a band performance on the
Apollo Bunder made him to have a trained band at Gondal to
coler the for the amusement of the people on certain day by
discoursing English as well as native music more familiar to
their ear. This intention was soon fulfilled after. |
Band Stand at Gondal
He arrived in London on May 21st, He founded that
the railway train there ran much faster than in India . He was even
more surprised to see people doing their own work instead of
depending upon servants. There he visited the Indian offices and
other departmental buildings, the houses of parliament, hospitals,
museums, libraries, reading-rooms, clubs, parks and recreation
ground and theaters . He attended levees and social functions. In so
doing he never seem to have forgotten that a serious purpose lay
behind travel. He could not regard himself as a private individual
spending his own money. He felt that the taxes paid by his people
made it possible for him to be in Europe and therefore he must try
to serve as their eyes and ears. He especially sought to discover
for himself the secrets that had made the British a great nation so
that he could apply them to improve Gondal and its inhabitants.
A visit to a couple of famous market set him thinking about
Indo-British relation. He noticed that the British had adopted the
Indian word bazaar in a slightly altered form ‘Bazaar” for some
of their marts. He expressed the hope that they would have a greater
thinking for Indians that they had for
Indian languages. He felt that India’s day of happiness
would not come until they had that liking.
He visited Cambridge.
The appearance of Cambridge pleased him. Never had he seen such fine
avenues of trees. On the whole, however he was to impressed with
"the place, perhaps because it was surrounded by the
mathematical atmosphere which was too hard for his lungs and
breath". That remarked is some what different to understand.
He liked Oxford better than Cambridge. Dr. Mackely advised
him to join Oxford someday and be attached for some time to one of
the colleges to complete his education. He did not dreamed, at that
time, that a few years later he would receive the Doctorate in Civil
Law in 'causa honor’s' from that university.
He felt in love wit the Scotland at first sight. Edinburgh,
with its gray granite buildings and broad, well kept streets,
particularly applied him. A tour of the Royal Infirmary and of the
medical school attached to the Edinburgh university made him to
study medicine. Few years later he obtained the highest degree in
medicine in the gift of Edinburgh university.
He was stuck with the patience and kindness shown to the
inmates in the asylum for the blind and the quality of food given to
them. It would be good thing, he opined, if work in this direction
were attempted in India, where blindness was even more common than
in Europe. It could be done with small outlay of money by attaching
blind asylum to the “Pinjarapoles” (Institution for the shelter
and care of animals) and similar establishment managed by the
Mahajans (literally ‘great men’ but figuratively ‘traders’) |
Panjarapol Gondal
Visits to industrial and commercial town such as Leeds and
Liverpool brought home to him the weakness of Indian Economic
systems. Raw materials, he noticed, were sent out of the country and
manufactured goods received in exchange. At Liverpool he found, for
instance large quantities of raw wool being brought in from our own
and other countries. The expenses entailed in the transport of raw
materials from India and sending back the manufactured goods. All
this money might be saved if the material could be worked up in our
country where labour was very cheap.
The six weeks, from September 11th to October 28th
, that he spent in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and Italy
did he much good. It enabled him to see something of how continental
people lived and worked. Shortly, after his arrival in Paris he came
to the conclusion that French capital surpassed London in beauty. He
liked broad streets lined with trees on either side, with separate
footpaths and rides and drives for carriages. “Paris was
particularly picturesque by night”. The long lines of lamp shining
the broad streets for miles together with brilliant illumination of
shops gave the whole city the appearance of a continual Deewali.
His tour in Switzerland was hurried. He was surprised to
notice that the electric telegraph has been extended to almost all
villages in that country and that even smallest hotels were supplied
with electrical bells. It excelled England in utilizing the
electricity. |
Switchboard used in Palace
His tour in Switzerland was hurried. He was surprised to
notice that the electric telegraph has been extended to almost all
villages in that country and that even smallest hotels were supplied
with electrical bells. It excelled England in utilizing the
The mountains in Switzerland remained him of Girnar,
the highest hill in Kathiawad. As he described them in journal,
“The best way to give some idea of it to the people of Gondal to
suppose the whole of Kathiawad covered with the mountains thrice the
size of Girnar after the monsoon, with their peaks all tipped with
snow. The Girnar however is full of varieties of verdure and
therefore more beautiful than the Swiss mountains which are covered
with some the sort of vegetation.”