In 1869 Maharaja Sangramsinhji was expired. At that time price
Bhagwatsinhji was too young. So government took the charge.
During this period there was not any remarkable changes in the
field of primary education. In 1884 Maharaja Bhagvatsinhji
took the charge back in his hand. He took great interest in
imparting education and his work was also significant. In 1881
‘Hitter Commission’ was established. This commission
advised to do the betterment of primary school. He also put
stress on girls’ education. From 1854 to 1882 there wasn’t
any remarkable changes in the field of primary education in
India. But after 1882 there was an improvement in this field.
There were 2,168 boys and only 322 girls making total round
about 2,490 students all over. In the state there were 30
schools and expense was about 10,000. But when there was
celebration of Golden Jubilee due to effort of Maharaja
Bhagvatsinhji 11,346 boys and 8,434 girls were taking primary
education. In total, there were 191 schools. Each and every
village was capable of importing primary education (There were
about 172 villages in the state). Even Anadagadh, having
population of just 18, had a primary school.
Free and
compulsory primary education
In 1904 government put forward their conditions for education.
Mr. Gokhale put forward the idea of free and compulsory
education. But government didn’t approve for that idea by
giving the reason that its not right time to do. At that time
some of the kingdoms started this policy. From 1893 to 1906
king of Vadodara, Sayaji Rao Gaekwad made primary education
free and compulsory in his kingdom. From that point Gondal
State also started to take interest for girls’ education
from 1918 and to make primary education free and compulsory in
1934. In Gondal State, to impart compulsory education
commission department gave ‘Bhagvatsinhji Vachanmala’ book
on basis of no profit no loss policy to the children. This
book was provided all to the school of Kachchh, Nagpur,
Calcutta, Madras etc in India and Rangoon, Africa, Eden etc.
where Gujaratis were residing. Also, there were scholarships,
prizes and economic helps given due to which there was a great
improvement in primary education.
For the betterment
of girls’ education
Primary education for girls was made
compulsory. For the fact reason that brother would not be
illiterate if his sister is studying in the family. And in the
same way, no girl would choose illiterate person as her
husband. One more reason was that a child could get proper
education if mother is well educated.
Some of the points that were put forth by Bhagvatsinhji are:
From age 7 to 11 a girl must be studying and after 11
years prizes were distributed for further studies.
Scholarships were also awarded to the girls who were
2) In co – education girls were passed by scheme of 25%
rather than 33%.
3) Instead of utilizing 8 years to complete primary
education only 6 years were utilized.
4) In city where there were girls’ schools, English was
introduced by direct method. Instead of 12 years only 10 years
were needed for passing metric such policies were introduced.
Girls passed metric were awarded Rs. 500 and gave scholarship
of 25 every month to complete B. Ed.
5) Parents who were not allowing their girls to take
primary education a fine of one anna has to be collected by
the authority.
6) Timing of the school were set as that it would not
affect the household works and vacation was cancelled but for
3 months school would remain close at the time of harvesting.
Like this, when there was about 12.2% of literacy in India,
Gondal State was 28% literate.
Improvement in primary education in
Gondal city after freedom
In 1950, when constitution was formed, in that constitution,
there was a point that up to the age of 14 years every children
has to impart primary education free. After freedom, when each
and every kingdom was merging, unite to form democratic India;
the handling of the school went to ‘Jila Panchayat’. At
that time, there were 3,174 boys and 2,906 girls, total 6,080
students were imparting primary education. At 1st
October 1971, Gondal Municipality took over the charge of
‘Jila Panchayat’ for imparting primary education. At that
time, there were about 4,138 boys and 3,819 girls, total 7959
students were imparting primary education.